Analysis of intercultural communication competence cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine university students from the perspective of “a community of common health for mankind”
LI Fang
Foreign Languages Teaching Center, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China
Abstract:The concept of “human health community” is a vivid practice of a community of human destiny in the field of hygiene and health, which has important guiding significance for the training of talents in Chinese medicine universities. Foreign language education is closely related to the cultivation of cross-cultural competence, but how to improve the cross-cultural competence of traditional Chinese medicine talents through foreign language education? Its research needs to be developed urgently. The questionnaire was used to understand and analyze the current situation of intercultural competence of Chinese medicine university students in the post-epidemic era: the language and cultural knowledge related to traditional Chinese medicine is in urgent need of strengthening, the awareness and confidence of foreign exchange need to be improved, and there is no opportunity to practice intercultural competence. This paper puts forward the strategies of intercultural competence training for traditional Chinese medicine college students, including establishing the training objectives, constructing the training framework, and setting up diversified intercultural practice platforms. Finally, some suggestions for further research are put forward.
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LI Fang. Analysis of intercultural communication competence cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine university students from the perspective of “a community of common health for mankind”. 中国医药导报, 2021, 18(25): 63-66,83.
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