Correlation analysis between occupational burnout and social support of young medical staff in grade A tertiary hospitals in Beijing
CHEN Qu1 CHAI Qiuxiang2 MENG Kai3
1.Trade Union, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Critical Care Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China;
3.School of Public Health, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China
Abstract:Objective To analyze the correlation between occupational burnout and social support of young medical staff in grade A tertiary hospitals in Beijing, and to propose targeted intervention measures to relieve burnout of young medical staff. Methods From August to October 2016, a multi-stage stratified sampling method was used to randomly select 674 young medical staff aged <35 years old from five grade A tertiary hospitals in Beijing as the survey subjects. The questionnaire consists of general information questionnaire, occupational burnout scale and social support rating scale. A total of 674 questionnaires were issued, and 663 valid questionnaires were retrieved. The effective response rate was 98.4%. Results There was a statistically significant difference in the burnout scores of young medical staff of different genders and department (P < 0.05). There were statistically significant differences in the social support scores of in-service young medical staff of different ages, titles, marital status, departments, and employment methods (P < 0.05). Emotional exhaustion, dehumanization and social support were negatively correlated with social support of various dimensions (r < 0, P < 0.01), and personal accomplishment was positively correlated with social support of various dimensions (r > 0, P < 0.01). Gender, department, objective support and utilization of support were related factors that affect emotional exhaustion; objective support and utilization of support could affect dehumanization; objective support, utilization of support, subjective support, and marital status were independent influencing factors of personal accomplishment (P < 0.05). Conclusion Increasing the social support can be of help to alleviate the occupational burnout.
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CHEN Qu1 CHAI Qiuxiang2 MENG Kai3. Correlation analysis between occupational burnout and social support of young medical staff in grade A tertiary hospitals in Beijing. 中国医药导报, 2021, 18(23): 55-59.
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