Abstract:At present, there is a contradiction between social demand and the quality of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) nursing talents. How to carry out TCM nursing practice teaching scientifically, improve the quality of TCM nursing talents, and inherit the characteristics of TCM nursing is the focus of TCM nursing education in TCM colleges and universities. This paper first introduces the definition of service-learning, its features as well as its role in the field of nursing education, and then analyzes the status quo of TCM nursing practice teaching. Moreover, the advantages, practical basis, and significance of introducing service-learning into TCM nursing practice teaching are explored. Finally, targeted suggestions are made to provide new ideas for updating the teaching methodology of TCM nursing practice with a view of promoting professional and vocational education of TCM nursing in colleges and universities of TCM.
周常青 胡慧. 中医护理实践教学引入服务性学习的探讨[J]. 中国医药导报, 2021, 18(19): 72-75.
ZHOU Changqing HU Hui. Discussion on introducing service-learning into traditional Chinese medicine nursing practice teaching. 中国医药导报, 2021, 18(19): 72-75.
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