Discussion on the pathogenesis of pulmonary nodules “deficiency of lung qi and obstruction of lung collaterals by toxin” under the guidance of collateral disease theory
ZHOU Jie1* WANG Yuehui1* LI Zhiming1 YANG Lihui1 LI Quanwang2
1.Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Department of Oncology, Oriental Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China
Abstract:With the development of examination technology, more and more pulmonary nodules are found in the earlier stage. In the process of long-term diagnosis and treatment, director Li Quanwang takes root in the classical collateral disease theory of traditional Chinese medicine, combined with the clinical characteristics of pulmonary nodules, and thinks that pulmonary nodules belong to pulmonary collateral disease. Based on the epidemiological data and treatment progress of pulmonary nodules, combined with the psychological and physical bias of patients, it is considered that traditional Chinese medicine should be applied to the early diagnostic treatment of pulmonary nodules. It is put forward that the pathogenesis of pulmonary nodules is “deficiency of lung qi and obstruction of lung collaterals by toxin”, and the treatment principle of “regulating qi and strengthening vital qi, detoxification and dredging collaterals”. In clinic, collateral disease, lung collaterals, traditional Chinese medicine lung and pulmonary nodules are organically combined to form a perfect “structure-function-disease” network, which broadens the train of thought and provides clinical basis for the treatment of pulmonary nodules with traditional Chinese medicine.
周杰1* 王玥慧1* 李志明1 杨丽惠1 李泉旺2. 络病学说指导下的肺结节“肺气亏虚,毒阻肺络”病机探讨[J]. 中国医药导报, 2020, 17(28): 133-136.
ZHOU Jie1* WANG Yuehui1* LI Zhiming1 YANG Lihui1 LI Quanwang2. Discussion on the pathogenesis of pulmonary nodules “deficiency of lung qi and obstruction of lung collaterals by toxin” under the guidance of collateral disease theory. 中国医药导报, 2020, 17(28): 133-136.