Discussion on the etiology and pathogenesis of newly onset type 2 diabetes from “deficient-qi stagnation” theory
XU Manman1 WEI Ni′na2 CUI Hanming1 ZHANG Qiuyan1 HUANG Shijing1
1.Research and Development Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangan′men Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China; 2.the First Clinical Medical College, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712000, China
Abstract:Newly onset type 2 diabetes belongs to the category of “thirst quenching” in traditional Chinese medicine. Its etiology and pathogenesis are complex and changeable, and there is no typical clinical manifestation, which increases our difficulty in understanding it. Based on the theory of “deficient-qi stagnation”, this article analyzes its etiology and pathogenesis characteristics, and conclusions are achieved that internal trauma, inadequate diet and inadequate endowment are its morbidity condition; insufficient qi and deficiency of viscera are the basis of its pathogenesis; pathological products such as qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm turbidity and poisonous aggregation are the pathogenesis; qi deficiency and stagnation interact with each other, and “deficiency” and “stagnation” are mutual causes and effects, forming a pathogenesis model of spiral development. It provides new ideas for early intervention of diabetes and has important clinical guidance significance.
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