Research progress of acupuncture in the treatment of idiopathic facial palsy
SUN Lu LI Xiaoying CHEN Jiangwei YANG Fan
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, State Key Laboratory of Military Stomatology National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases Third Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University, Shaanxi Province, Xi’an 710032, China
Abstract:Idiopathic facial paralysis (IFP) is a facial nerve dysfunction induces by acute non-specific inflammation. Studies have shown that acupuncture can promote the recovery of facial nerve functions, and alleviate complications by controlling inflammation and edema, improving circulation, regulating immunity, etc. Although some consensus has been reached on the IFP treatment by acupuncture, there are still disputes on the optimal intervention timing, the acupuncture manipulation, and acupoint selection. This paper summarizes recent studies and finds that early intervention should be followed in IFP acupuncture treatment. Acupoint selection should be combined with syndrome differentiation and meridians differentiation, local and distal, and emphasize the combination of disease stages to select acupoints, and adjust acupuncture techniques. Different acupuncture treatment methods and traditional Chinese medicine external treatment can be used in combination, complementary advantages, improve the effect.
孙璐 李小莹 陈江炜 杨帆. 针刺治疗特发性面神经麻痹的研究进展[J]. 中国医药导报, 2023, 20(14): 47-51.
SUN Lu LI Xiaoying CHEN Jiangwei YANG Fan. Research progress of acupuncture in the treatment of idiopathic facial palsy. 中国医药导报, 2023, 20(14): 47-51.
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