Research progress on tongue image of traumatic blood stasis syndrome
KONG Jiaxing DENG Rongrong XU Xidong ZHAO Xu KANG Ran
Department of Orthopedics, Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210028, China
Abstract:The etiology and pathogenesis of traumatic blood stasis syndrome is clear, and there is no cold and heat and yin and yang bias in the early onset, which is more conducive to the objective study of tongue symptoms of blood stasis syndrome. The analysis of the characteristics of the tongue image mainly focuses on three aspects: ecchymosis (petechia), (blue) purple tongue, and sublingual collaterals, with the highest diagnostic weight, which can indicate the severity of blood stasis syndrome and help to judge the occurrence and development of the disease. At the same time, some results have been achieved in the objective analysis of tongue characteristics of traumatic blood stasis syndrome, but the image definition of ecchymosis (petechia) on the tongue, the chromaticity value range of (blue) purple tongue, and the sublingual collaterals in terms of segmentation and extraction, there are problems such as inconsistent standards, unsatisfactory accuracy, and stability. In addition, the tongue characteristics of traumatic blood stasis syndrome are closely related to blood indicators and immune indicators, which can reflect blood stasis and hypercoagulability, and have broad application prospects in clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
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