Abstract:Objective To investigate the cognition of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection patients in the outpatient department for the first time, and to analyze the factors affecting cognition. Methods According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 151 patients with HPV infection who received treatment in the gynecological outpatient department of Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University from September to October 2022 were selected. General information (such as age, occupation, education level, etc.) and patients’ cognition of knowledge related to HPV infection were collected in the form of a questionnaire survey, and factors influencing HPV cognition were analyzed. Results A total of 151 questionnaires were sent out in this study, and 151 valid questionnaires were collected, with recovery rate and effective rate of 100%. There were statistically significant differences in education, residence, income, reimbursement method, and age among patients with different cognitive conditions (P<0.05). Logistic regression results showed that the HPV awareness of patients in high school and middle school was lower (OR<1, P<0.05), while the HPV awareness of patients living in cities was higher (OR>1, P<0.05). Conclusion HPV infected patients have a low level of awareness of HPV, and is related to low education and living in rural areas. Targeted health education should be taken for such people to prevent cervical cancer and achieve the purpose of early diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer precancerous lesions.
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