A comparative study of relaxing qigong and yoga nidra
ZHENG Huili1 Ida Ayu Anom Rastiti1 CHEN Changle2,3
1.Institute of Qigong, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China;
2.Comprehensive Laboratory of Qigong, Shanghai Qigong Research Institute, Shanghai 201203, China;
3.Qigong Comprehensive Research Laboratory, Taiji Health Center, Shanghai Institute of Chinese Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China
Abstract:Relaxing qigong and Indian yoga nidra are the splendid treasures of oriental culture. They have a long history, they are different, but also closely linked. This article reviews a large number of related domestic and foreign research and literatures regarding to these topics. Based on the theoretical basis, method, result and modern development, several aspects are compared in order to provide more informations and evidences for scientific research and clinical application. The analysis shows that although relaxing qigong and yoga nidra have different theoretical systems, they have similarities in the methods of breathing, observing and thinking practice. In the medical field, the research focuses on the mental and circulation system. The main diseases are hypertension, anxiety, depression and etc. Nowadays, Yoga nidra is mainly used after yoga postures, practice of yoga is becoming a good trend and showing good market development. The relaxing qigong of its practice gradually develops along with the goverment attention to the development of qigong. Although the development of them are different, they can learn from each other.
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