Attitudes toward premarital sexual behavior and their relationship with self-efficacy among medical students
WANG Chuanming1 JI Shunxin2 YU Qinming3#br#
1.Branch of Jiamusi, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Jiamusi 154007, China;
2.Department of Enrollment and Employment, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China
Abstract:Objective To explore the attitude of medical students to premarital sexual behavior and its relationship with self-efficacy, and to provide a theoretical basis for their sexual health education and intervention. Methods From September 6 to 12, 2021, the self-compiled college students’ attitude towards premarital sexual behavior and Wang Caikang’s revised general self-efficacy scale (GSES) were used. From four representative medical colleges in Northeast China, with the class as the basic unit, a cluster random sampling method was used to select 1 697 medical students for a questionnaire survey. Results There were statistically significant differences in the scores of premarital sexual behavior attitude scores among medical students of different genders, grades, and places of origin (P < 0.05). The correlation results showed that the three dimensions and total scores of medical students’ attitude towards premarital sexual behavior were positively correlated with self-efficacy (r > 0, P < 0.01). Linear regression showed that self-efficacy could positively predict each dimension and total score of medical students’ attitude towards premarital sexual behavior (P < 0.01). Conclusion The attitude towards premarital sexual behavior of medical students is at a moderate level, and there are certain internal differences; self-efficacy is an important variable that affects medical students’ attitude toward premarital sexual behavior.
王传明1 季顺欣1 于钦明2. 医学生婚前性行为态度及其与自我效能感的关系[J]. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(29): 65-68.
WANG Chuanming1 JI Shunxin2 YU Qinming3. Attitudes toward premarital sexual behavior and their relationship with self-efficacy among medical students. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(29): 65-68.
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