Research advances in non-surgery treatment of tooth enamel opaque spots
1.State Key Laboratory of Oral Disease National Clinical Research Center for Oral Disease West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610041, China;
2.Department of Pediatric Dentistry, State Key Laboratory of Oral Disease National Clinical Research Center for Oral Disease West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610014, China
Abstract:Tooth enamel opaque spots is a chalky spot or spot formed by enamel demineralization, if not controlled in time, it will continue to develop and form cavities. Dental caries in children has the characteristics of high incidence and early onset, among which tooth enamel opaque spots is a common feature. With the increase of early treatment and orthodontic treatment in children, enamel demineralization, and tooth enamel opaque spots are more likely to occur. At present, non-surgical treatment is generally adopted in clinical practice to terminate or eliminate the lesion. Fluoride is a classic remineralization therapy. Amorphous calcium phosphate and its derivatives can mimic the physiological enamel mineralization process. In addition, bioactive glass and self-assembling peptide P11-4 can also promote the remineralization of demineralized enamel. Resin penetration and micro-grinding can obtain timely and beautiful treatment effect of tooth enamel opaque spots. This article reviews the research progress of enamel remineralization system and non-surgical treatment, so as to provide reference for the control of caries and the treatment of tooth enamel opaque spots.
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