Visual analysis of knowledge map of traditional Chinese medicine on thyroid research in domestic and foreign literature in recent 20 years
LI Xinyi1 SHANG Jianwei1 CHEN Xiaoheng1 LI Zhe1 DING Zhiguo2 QI Shuo2#br#
1.Department of Thyroid, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100020, China;
2.Department of Thyroid, Sun Simiao Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Tongchuan 727100, China
Abstract:Objective To make a visual analysis of the knowledge map of traditional Chinese medicine ont thyroid research in domestic and foreign literature in recent 20 years. Methods The Web of Science core collection database and China National Knowledge Infrastructure were used as data sources for the search, and the search time limit was from October 2002 to October 2021. The obtained data were imported into CiteSpace software to remove the weight, and the author, institution and keywords were compared and analyzed. Results A total of 4 279 literatures were included, including 4 217 in Chinese and 62 in English. There were four teams of Chinese literatures research authors. The cooperation form of institutions was mainly the university of traditional Chinese medicine and its secondary units. Meanwhile, there were cross regional and cross unit cooperation forms. Most of the research hotspots were clinical research on clinical efficacy, etiology, and pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation, and traditional Chinese medicine constitution. However, foreign literatures had not yet formed a relatively stable cooperation team which the main research institutions were in China, and the research focus on basic research. Conclusion In recent 20 years, there have been more research results on thyroid in domestic literature than in foreign literature, the formation of research teams and institutions is stable, and the research hot spots are different. It is suggested that domestic and foreign scholars strengthen cooperation and learn from each other to make joint efforts for research and exploration in this field.
李欣怡1 商建伟1 陈晓珩1 李哲1 丁治国2 祁烁2. 近20年国内外文献中医药关于甲状腺研究知识图谱可视化分析[J]. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(25): 28-32.
LI Xinyi1 SHANG Jianwei1 CHEN Xiaoheng1 LI Zhe1 DING Zhiguo2 QI Shuo2. Visual analysis of knowledge map of traditional Chinese medicine on thyroid research in domestic and foreign literature in recent 20 years. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(25): 28-32.
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