Application and effect analysis of pre-prescription review system in pediatric outpatient and emergency department clinical medication
XU Hui1 HE Tingting2 LIU Jia1 LU Qiang1 JI Ning1▲
1.Department of Pharmacy, North Jiangsu People’s Hospital, Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou 225001, China;
2.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, North Jiangsu People’s Hospital, Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou 225001, China
Abstract:Objective To explore the application and effect of pre-prescription review system in pediatric outpatient and emergency department clinical medication. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on 185 857 prescriptions of pediatric outpatient and emergency department prescriptions without pre-prescription review system from January to December 2018 and 103 432 prescriptions of pediatric outpatient and emergency department were reviewed by pre-prescription review system from January to December 2020 in North Jiangsu People’s Hospital. The qualified rate of prescriptions in 2018 and 2020 was analyzed, and the types of unreasonable prescriptions in 2018 and 2020 were analyzed. Results The qualified rate of prescriptions in 2020 was higher than that in 2018 (P < 0.05). From January to December 2020, the qualified rate of prescriptions was higher than 97.00%. No indications of drug use and interactions accounted for a high proportion of irrational prescriptions in 2018 and 2020; there were statistically significant differences between irrational prescription types in 2018 and 2020 (P < 0.05). Conclusion The pre-prescription review system can effectively improve the level of clinical rational drug use in pediatric outpatient and emergency department and it is worthy of promotion.
徐慧1 何婷婷2 刘佳1 陆强1 吉宁1▲. 处方前置审核系统在儿科门急诊临床用药中的应用及效果分析[J]. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(23): 158-161.
XU Hui1 HE Tingting2 LIU Jia1 LU Qiang1 JI Ning1▲. Application and effect analysis of pre-prescription review system in pediatric outpatient and emergency department clinical medication. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(23): 158-161.
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