袁忠钊 郑淇丹 何立群 陈刚▲
上海中医药大学附属曙光医院肾病科,上海 201203
Analysis on Professor He Liqun’s clinical prescription of diabetic nephropathy#br#
YUAN Zhongzhao ZHENG Qidan HE Liqun CHEN Gang▲
Department of Nephrology, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China
摘要 本文记录了何立群教授关于糖尿病肾病的临证诊疗思路,何教授认为该病病机总属本虚标实,虚实夹杂。脾肾气阴亏损为发病之始,病久阴损及阳,中晚期则见脾肾阴阳俱虚;标实之瘀血贯穿糖尿病肾病发病全程。治疗当以益气养阴、补肾温阳、祛风活血化瘀为主要原则,早期补益气阴顾其本,中晚期共举脾肾之阳助其运,久病祛风活血通肾络贯穿治疗全程,以常达变,病证结合,邪正兼顾,标本兼治,终获良效。
关键词 :
糖尿病肾病 ,
益气养阴 ,
补肾温阳 ,
祛风活血 ,
Abstract :This article records Professor He Liqun’s ideas on clinical diagnosis and treatment of diabetic nephropathy. Professor He believes that the pathogenesis of this disease always belongs to difficiency in origin and excess in superficiality, and deficiency and excess are mixed. The deficiency of spleen and kidney’s qi and yin is the beginning of the disease; after a long time, the yang is damaged from the deficiency of yin; in the middle and late stage, both yin and yang of spleen and kidney are deficient; blood stasis throughout the whole process of diabetic nephropathy. The treatment should be based on the main principles of supplementing qi and nourishing yin, tonifying kidney and warming yang, dispelling wind, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. In the early stage, tonifying qi and yin can take care of its origin, and in the middle and late stage, the yang of spleen and kidney should be raised to help its movement. Dispelling wind, activating blood circulation and dredging kidney collaterals should run through the whole treatment process when it takes too long for the course of the disease. With constant changes, combination of disease and syndrome, consideration of both evil and positive, and treatment of both symptoms and signs, we could achieve good results.
Key words :
Diabetic nephropathy
Supplementing qi and nourishing yin
Tonifying kidney and warming yang
Dispelling wind and activating blood circulation
He Liqun
基金资助: 何立群上海市名老中医学术经验研究工作室(SHGZS-2017027)。
作者简介 : 袁忠钊(1995.4-),男,上海中医药大学2019级中医内科学专业在读硕士研究生;研究方向:中西医结合慢性肾脏病诊治。
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