Research progress of Chinese and Western medicine treatment for promoting recovery of perianal necrotizing fasciitis after operation#br#
SHEN Ruihong1 WANG Jiaxin1 GE Dongxu2 XING Wenyu1 SUN Lida1 CHEN Xueqing1
1.Department of Anorectal, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050011, China; 2.Department of Emergency, Qian’an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Tangshan 064400, China
Abstract:Perianal necrotizing fasciitis has the characteristics of dangerous progression and high mortality, there are many problems such as wound infection and long-term non healing after surgical treatment, so it is of great significance to promote wound healing. At present, in terms of controlling infection and promoting wound healing, Western medicine mostly focuses on cleaning and protecting wounds, such as local wound dressing, negative pressure wound therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and honey therapy, but there are certain limitations in clinical application. Traditional Chinese medicine has unique advantages in promoting healing. Traditional Chinese medicine has a unique advantage in the treatment of wound healing. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that wound infection is more difficult to be associated with heat, dampness, deficiency and other factors, and the treatment is mostly based on heat toxicity, damp-heat and Yin deficiency. Traditional Chinese and Western medicine have their own merits in promoting postoperative wound healing. Integrated Chinese and Western medicine can complement each other. Now mainly from the aspects of Western medicine, Chinese medicine and integrated Chinese and Western medicine treatment, the treatment of postoperative healing of perianal necrotizing fasciitis is discussed, in order to provide reference for future research.
沈瑞红1 王嘉欣1 葛东旭2 邢文钰1 孙立达1 陈雪清1. 肛周坏死性筋膜炎术后促愈的中西医治疗研究进展[J]. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(7): 47-50.
SHEN Ruihong1 WANG Jiaxin1 GE Dongxu2 XING Wenyu1 SUN Lida1 CHEN Xueqing1. Research progress of Chinese and Western medicine treatment for promoting recovery of perianal necrotizing fasciitis after operation#br#. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(7): 47-50.
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