Abstract:The management system of traditional India medicine adopts a parallel model system, which is similar to the dual medical system in South Korea, but very different from the management system of traditional Chinese medicine in China. The development experience of traditional Chinese medicine proves that the parallel management mode still has its merits today. This paper summarizes the development status of traditional India medicine from the aspects of medical infrastructure, medical practitioners, education and medical services. This study found that the system protected the independence and diversity of traditional Indian medicine. To a large extent, it promoted the development of traditional Indian medicine. Although traditional Indian medicine is currently facing problems of low education quality, low quality of practitioners and low utilization rate, there are still experiences and lessons worth learning in the management of traditional Chinese medicine.
李富武 崔钰 武锋. 印度传统医学管理制度探讨[J]. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(6): 194-封三.
LI Fuwu CUI Yu WU Feng. Discussion on the management system of traditional Indian medicine#br#. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(6): 194-封三.
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