Abstract:Objective To explore the influencing factors of relaceration after lateral episiotomy for primiparas vaginal delivery. Methods The clinical data of 86 primiparas who underwent vaginal delivery in the Department of Obstetrics, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from January to July 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. They were divided into control group and laceration group according to the absence or presence of relaceration after lateral episiotomy. The influencing factors of relaceration after lateral episiotomy were analyzed. Results Among 86 primiparas, 10 cases (11.63%) suffered from relaceration, including 8 cases with grade Ⅰ laceration and 2 cases with grade Ⅱ laceration. The proportion of newborn weight≥ 4000 g and working years of midwife < 5 years in laceration group were higher than those in control group(P < 0.05). Newborn weight≥4000 g, working years of midwife<5 years were independent risk factors for relaceration after lateral episiotomy (OR > 1, P < 0.05). Conclusion The incidence of relaceration after lateral episiotomy is increased in primiparas with newborn weight≥4000 g and working years of midwife <5 years.
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