Abstract:Objective To explore the correlation between emotional intelligence and conflict handling pattern of nursing undergraduates. Methods A total of 94 nursing undergraduates who had clinical practice in Beijing Jishuitan Hospital from October 2018 to December 2020 were investigated by general information questionnaire, emotional intelligence scale and conflict management mode scale. Results The total score of emotional intelligence scale was (127.11±14.33) points, and the score of perceived emotion was the lowest (3.82±0.56) points; the highest score of emotion expression was (4.13±0.44) points. Collaboration was the most frequently used conflict resolution mode for nursing undergraduates, with a score of (4.34±0.63) points; the least used conflict processing mode was dominance, with a score of (3.21±0.63) points. Emotional intelligence was positively correlated with collaboration, obedience, dominance, and avoidance (r = 0.635, 0.558, 0.280, 0.503, P < 0.05). Perceiving, expressing, understanding and controlling emotions dimensions were positively correlated with cooperation mode (r = 0.303, 0.275, 0.335, 0.421, P < 0.05). Linear regression analysis showed that emotional intelligence was the influencing factor of conflict handling pattern (P < 0.05). Conclusion The emotional intelligence level of nursing undergraduates is related to their conflict handling patterns, improving the emotional intelligence level of nursing undergraduates is helpful to the selection of effective conflict handling pattern.
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