Research hotspot and trend of polycystic ovary syndrome treated by traditional Chinese medicine based on visualized analysis#br#
YU Fangning1,2 XIE Dandan2 WANG Wei1 LI Jinglei2 ZHAO Siyu2 LI Tuo2 GENG Nan3 SHEN Qian2
1.Department of Nephrology and Endocrinology, Wangjing Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100102, China;
2.Clinical Medicine College, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
3.Department of Tuina, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China
Abstract:Objective To quantitative and visual analysis of literatures related to the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with traditional Chinese medicine, and to explore the research hotspots and development trends in this field and to provide reference for subsequent studies. Methods The CNKI database was searched to obtain relevant literatures on the treatment of PCOS with traditional Chinese medicine published by Chinese scholars from construction to September 2020. Statistical softwares such as CiteSpace 5.5 and SATI3.2 were used to perform quantitative analysis and visual analysis on the publication years, journal sources, authors, institutions and key words of the literatures. Results A total of 890 articles were obtained, and the publication time span was from January 1984 to September 2020; the number of articles published in the field of Chinese medicine treatment of PCOS gradually increased after 2007 and reached its peak in 2017; important scholars in this field include Wu Xiaoke, Hou Lihui, Tan Yong, etc. The institution with the largest amount of publications was Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine. The main research hotspots were infertility, irregular menstruation, obesity, and insulin resistance. Non-drug treatments were gradually receiving attention, and clinical efficacy observations and reviews occupy a major position; the distribution of journals was relatively scattered, and the industry influence was low. Conclusion Through the method of metrology, it visually shows the time distribution, author institution, cooperation network, research status, research hotspots and development trend of the literature in the field of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of PCOS, which provide reference for the further research and development directions of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of PCOS.
于芳宁1,2 谢丹丹2 王薇1 李晶磊2 赵思雨2 李拓2 耿楠3 沈潜3. 基于文献可视化分析的中医药治疗多囊卵巢综合征研究热点与趋势[J]. 中国医药导报, 2021, 18(36): 28-33.
YU Fangning1,2 XIE Dandan2 WANG Wei1 LI Jinglei2 ZHAO Siyu2 LI Tuo2 GENG Nan3 SHEN Qian2. Research hotspot and trend of polycystic ovary syndrome treated by traditional Chinese medicine based on visualized analysis#br#. 中国医药导报, 2021, 18(36): 28-33.
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