Abstract:Objective To explore the visual analysis of traditional Chinese medicine application in pancreatic cancer treatment based on CiteSpace. Methods Literatures related to the treatment of pancreatic cancer by traditional Chinese medicine collected in CNKI and Web of Science databases from January 2000 to December 2021 were searched by computer, and the author, institution, keyword co-occurrence, clustering, and emergence of this study were mapped and analyzed by using CiteSpace software. Results A total of 614 papers were included in the study, and the overall number of papers was on the rise, with 23 core authors, the largest number of papers was published by Fudan University. The keyword clustering graph showed that the current hot spots were mainly concentrated in traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation and treatment, traditional Chinese medicine clinical research and mechanism of action, cell research, and other aspects. Conclusion The research heat of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of pancreatic cancer is increasing, and the research focus is gradually shifting to traditional Chinese medicine clinical observation and mechanism research. It is suggested to strengthen the connection between basic research and clinical practice, focus on transformation research, and fully explore the therapeutic value of traditional Chinese medicine.
张丁丹 田劭丹 吕丽媛 罗美 苗璐. 基于CiteSpace的中医药在胰腺癌治疗领域应用的可视化分析[J]. 中国医药导报, 2023, 20(34): 4-10,15.
ZHANG Dingdan TIAN Shaodan LYU Liyuan LUO Mei MIAO Lu. Visual analysis of traditional Chinese medicine application in pancreatic cancer treatment based on CiteSpace. 中国医药导报, 2023, 20(34): 4-10,15.
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