Experience of Professor Han Yanhua in the diagnosis and treatment of maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility#br#
LIU Xiaofang1 HAN Yanhua1 SU Meng2 WANG Qingyi1
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China;
2.Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ordos Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Ordos 017000, China
Abstract:The national traditional Chinese medicine master Professor Han Yanhua has enriched experience in maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility, and believes that maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility is mainly the syndrome of root deficiency and tip excess. Deficiency of spleen and kidney, thoroughfare vessel and conception vessel malnutrition, dereliction of duty in storage are root; steaming of humid, hot, and toxin are tip. For this disease, the remaining evils should be eliminated before pregnancy, the damage should be pre-treated, and the disease should be prevented first; treating disease and tranquilizing fetus to prevent miscarriage should be carried out in early pregnancy, invigorating kidney and spleen and tranquilizing fetus to prevent miscarriage, and clearing damp-heat at the same time; late pregnancy is mainly to clear damp-heat, accompanied by activating blood and resolving stasis. This article combines Professor Han Yanhua’s diagnosis and treatment of maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility cases, expounds Professor Han Yanhua’s academic thoughts and clinical ideas for differentiation and treatment of the disease, prescriptions and medications, in order to inspire clinical diagnosis and treatment.
刘晓芳1 韩延华1 苏萌2 王清仪1. 韩延华教授诊治母儿血型不合经验撷菁[J]. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(9): 144-147,152.
LIU Xiaofang1 HAN Yanhua1 SU Meng2 WANG Qingyi1. Experience of Professor Han Yanhua in the diagnosis and treatment of maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility#br#. 中国医药导报, 2022, 19(9): 144-147,152.
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