Abstract:Thyroid sarcomatoid carcinoma is classified as anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, with high malignancy and poor prognosis, they are rare in thyroid cancer, and few studies have been reported in recent years. The author reports a 65-year-old man with bilateral hard thyroid glands, Ⅲ dtgree swelling, color doppler ultrasound negative, freezing during surgical exploration negative, and finally relying on postoperative pathological diagnosis of left thyroid sarcomatoid carcinoma with lymph node metastasis. Through this case, it can be seen that color doppler ultrasound can be negative for thyroid sarcomatoid carcinoma, and the final diagnosis depends on pathological features and immunohistochemistry. Clinicians need to strengthen their understanding of the disease in patients with suspected anaplastic thyroid cancer to avoid delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis.
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