Study on the correlation between perimenopause and metabolic syndrome
FENG Jianan1 TAO Lixin1 GUO Xiuhua1▲ CHEN Shuo2 KANG Xiaoping3
1.School of Public Health, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China; 2.Department of Information, Beijing Medical Examination Center, Beijing 100077, China; 3.Office, Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital, Beijing 102211, China
Abstract:Objective To explore the correlation between perimenopause and metabolic syndrome (MS). Methods Using the method of cross-sectional study, the data of physical examination of women aged 40-60 years in Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital from 2014 to 2017 were selected. The clinical data of subjects were collected and the influencing factors of MS in perimenopausal women were analyzed by logistic regression model. Results There were statistically significant differences in the prevalence of MS among different ages, educational background, working pressure, dietary taste, eating speed, and menopausal conditions (P<0.05). Analysis of risk factors for MS in women not included in menopause showed that the prevalence of MS in women aged >46-53 was 1.784 times that of women aged 40-46, and the prevalence of MS in women aged >53-60 was 2.631 times that of women aged 40-46; the prevalence of MS in women with the highest education of junior college or undergraduate was 0.539 times that of junior high school or below, and the prevalence of MS in women with the highest education of graduate school or above was 0.262 times that of junior high school or below; women who ate breakfast three to five times a week were 0.322 times more likely to have MS than women who ate breakfast three times a week; women who ate fast were 2.701 times more likely to have MS than those who ate slowly. Analysis of risk factors for MS in women without age factors showed that the prevalence of MS in women with the highest education of graduate school or above was 0.141 times that of junior high school or below; the prevalence of MS in women with moderate eating speed was 2.483 times that of eating slowly, and that in women with fast eating speed was 3.572 times that of eating slowly; the incidence of MS in postmenopausal women was 1.808 times that of pre-menopausal women. Conclusion Perimenopause is related to the occurrence of MS. Perimenopausal women should prevent and treat MS in advance to improve the quality of life before and after menopause.
冯嘉楠1 陶丽新1 郭秀花1▲ 陈硕2 康晓平3. 围绝经期与代谢综合征的关联性研究[J]. 中国医药导报, 2023, 20(30): 104-107.
FENG Jianan1 TAO Lixin1 GUO Xiuhua1▲ CHEN Shuo2 KANG Xiaoping3. Study on the correlation between perimenopause and metabolic syndrome. 中国医药导报, 2023, 20(30): 104-107.
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