Clinical research progress of sodium fluorescein in high-grade glioma microsurgery |
YANG Weiran1 WANG Zhong2 ZHANG Yisong2 |
1.Graduate School, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot 010010, China;
2.Department of Neurosurgery, Inner Mongolia People’s Hospital, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot 010017, China |
Abstract This article reviews and analyzes the clinical research progress of sodium fluorescein guided high-grade glioma microsurgery in terms of its principle, application history, influence on tumor resection degree, adverse reactions, administration time and method, and comparison with five-aminolevulinic acid. Intracranial high-grade glioma has the characteristics of diffuse invasive growth. Fluorescence guided technology can realize the visualization of tumor boundary, enhance the recognition of tumor boundary, and improve the degree of tumor resection by intravenous injection of fluorescent drugs for real time intraoperative fluorescent labeling of tumor. It is cheap, easy to store, easy to control the dosage, good safety, and low incidence of adverse reactions caused by intraoperative application of fluorescein sodium. This article provides a reference for the clinical application of fluorescein sodium in the microsurgery of high-grade glioma.
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