Study on the tongue characteristics of patients with anal fistula among different syndromes |
YANG Qiqi1 YANG Wei1 WANG Yiqin2 PEI Yanni1 PENG Yunhua1▲ |
1.Department of Proctology, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200021, China;
2.School of Basic Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China |
Abstract Objective To compare the tongue characteristic of anal fistula among different syndromes. Methods Two hundred and six patients with anal leakage hospitalized in Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from June 2019 to March 2020 were selected. According to the main symptoms, they were divided into damp-heat diffusing downward (110 cases), healthy qi deficiency and lingering pathogen (49 cases) and yin fluid depletion (47 cases). The tongue body and coating color features were recorded, and the tongue characteristics were collected, including tongue body and coating color index, tongue body and coating quality index. Results The R value of tongue chroma of damp-heat diffusing downward was higher than that of other two types, the V value of tongue chroma of damp-heat diffusing downward was lower than that of other two types (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). G value and B value of tongue chroma of yin fluid depletion were lower than those of damp-heat diffusing downward (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). In terms of color S value of tongue, yin fluid depletion was higher than damp-heat diffusing downward, healthy qi deficiency and lingering pathogen (P < 0.01). R value, G value and S value of tongue coating color of damp-heat diffusing downward were higher than the other two syndrome types, but V value of damp-heat diffusing downward was lower than the other two syndrome types (P < 0.01). The color G value of tongue coating in yin fluid depletion was higher than that in healthy qi deficiency and lingering pathogen (P < 0.05). The chroma H value of tongue coating of damp-heat diffusing downward was higher than that of yin fluid depletion (P < 0.05). The crack index of damp-heat diffusing downward was lower than that of yin fluid depletion (P < 0.05). The obesity index of healthy qi deficiency and lingering pathogen was lower than that of damp-heat diffusing downward (P < 0.05). The rotting and greasy index of damp-heat diffusing downward was higher than that of healthy qi deficiency and lingering pathogen (P < 0.05). The thickness index of damp-heat diffusing downward was higher than that of the other two syndrome types (P < 0.01). Conclusion The tongue texture of anal fistula patients with damp-heat diffusing downward is closer to red, the color of tongue texture and tongue coating is darker, and the fur is thicker and greasy. The type of healthy qi deficiency and lingering pathogen has thinner and whiter fur and thinner tongue. The tongue color of yin fluid depletion is darker, the fur color is lighter, and the cracks are more.
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