Meta analysis of the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine fumigation in the nursing of patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction |
LI Pin1 HAN Yanhong2 YANG Weiyi2 CHEN Hongyun2 HUANG Xiujun1 CHEN Liyi1▲ |
1.Department of Knee Osteoarthritis, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510120, China; 2.Department of Sport Medicine, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510120, China |
Abstract Objective To systematically assess the clinical effect of traditional Chinese medicine fumigation in the nursing of patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Methods From the establishment of the database to June 2020, the databases of PubMed, Wanfang Data, CNKI, VIP and CBM were searched by computer. All the randomized controlled trials conducted after surgery were collected that experimental group using traditional Chinese medicine fumigation and none using traditional Chinese medicine fumigation as control group. Cochrane Handbook was used to analyze the quality of included literature. RevMan 5.3 software was used to evaluate total effective rate, visual analogue scale (VAS) and Lysholm score. Results Seven articles that contained 544 patients were included. Meta analysis results suggested that compared with control group, total effective rate of experimental group increased (OR = 10.43, 95%CI[4.98, 21.83], P < 0.000 01), VAS of experimental group decreased (MD = -0.47, 95%CI[-0.62, -0.31], P < 0.000 01), Lysholm score of experimental group increased (MD = 8.24, 95%CI [5.41, 11.07], P < 0.000 01). Conclusion The application of traditional Chinese medicine fumigation in the nursing of patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction has good clinical efficacy. However, due to the low quality of the included literature and limitations of the included researches, more rigorously designed and high quality clinical studies are required for confirmation in the future.
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