Evaluation of the effect of PDCA cycle applied in drug management in ward |
REN Changyu GAN Xiaohong ZHOU Houfeng |
Department of Pharmacy, Chengdu Fifth People′s Hospital, Sichuan Province, Chengdu 611130, China |
Abstract Objective To evaluate the role and significance of PDCA cycle in drug management in ward. Methods The problems in the drug management examination in ward from January to June, 2018 in Chengdu Fifth People′s Hospital were retrospective analyzed. From July to December 2018, the PDCA cycle management method was used to intervene the existing problems in drug management in the ward, and the application effects before and after the implementation of PDCA cycle management were compared. Results Compared with before the implementation of PDCA cycle management, after the implementation of PDCA cycle management, the number of defects in effective period management decreased by 68.33%, the number of defects in use management decreased by 73.42%, and other defects not as the main target also improved significantly, with a total number of defects decreased by 71.09%. Conclusion PDCA cycle management method in ward can improve the quality of drug management, reduce medication errors, promote the standardization and scientization of drug management, and enhance the safety and effectiveness of medication.
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