The value and application of electronic medical records in the construction of disease-oriented outpatient clinic |
ZHANG Dongxiao1 JIA Nan2 MA Hongyu2 SUN Yujian1 FU Na1 DONG Hao1 ZHAO Wenjie1 HUANG Qiao1 |
1.Department of Galactophore, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China;
2.Department of Galactophore, Xingtai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Xingtai 054001, China |
Abstract Disease-oriented outpatient clinic is a rapidly developing outpatient service mode in recent years. Electronic medical record has many advantages, such as large sample size, more in line with clinical practice and so on. The combination of the model electronic medical record and the disease-oriented outpatient clinic can be used to collect a specific disease case, which is of great significance to the improvement of the special disease efficacy and development of new drugs. This paper discusses the value and application of electronic medical record in the construction of disease-oriented outpatient clinic, taking the plasma cell mastitis of galactophore department of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Capital Medical University as an example. From the two aspects of the template design, operation process and application effect of the electronic medical record in the disease-oriented outpatient clinic. It is found that the electronic medical record in the disease-oriented outpatient clinic can effectively form a high-quality clinical data set of specific diseases. To improve the level of disease awareness, prevent diseases before they occur; form clinical decision-making; optimize the clinical pathway; enrich materials for teaching and improve the teaching level. The accumulation of electronic medical records plays an important role in the construction of disease-oriented outpatient clinic and is an important way to enhance the strength of the discipline.
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