Development and application of the ophthalmic outpatients reentry queue system |
WU Peiyu1 FENG Kemi1 DAI Meiquan1 XU Hong2▲ |
1.Eye Disease Outpatient, Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University, Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou 325000, China;
2.National Health Commission Office, Beijing 100044, China |
Abstract Objective To develop the ophthalmic outpatients check for regression reentry queue system and to establish an orderly outpatient environment. Methods Before the application of the intelligent design regression ophthalmic outpatients check for regression reentry queue system in the Eye Disease Outpatient, Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University, the nurses investigated and recorded the environment of the outpatient clinic of common eye disease, the first diagnosis area and the outpatient clinic of the same group of visiting physicians in October 2018, by using the convenient sampling method. The number of patients and their family members in and out of the clinic and diagnosis area, the total outpatient treatment time, and the waiting time after examination were recorded for 30 times. After the application of the software in clinical practice in November 2018, the effect of the software implementation was evaluated. Results The total number of patients and their families in and out of the clinic, the waiting environment in the diagnosis area, the total visiting time of the clinic and the waiting time of the examination were significantly improved after the ophthalmic outpatients check for regression reentry queue system was applied in the outpatient department, with statistically significant differences (all P < 0.05). Conclusion The number of patients and their family members in and out of the diagnosis area and clinic is reduced obviously by the application of the ophthalmic outpatients check for regression reentry queue system. The environment of outpatient clinic changes from noisy to quiet, and the total outpatient time and the waiting time of examination is reduced.
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