Metrology and visualization analysis of gynecological tumor nursing in China in recent 20 years |
DAI Yu1 ZHOU Lihua1 CHEN Qin2 |
1.School of Nursing, Anhui Medical University, Anhui Province, Hefei 230032, China;
2.Department of Nursing, Suzhou Municipal Hospital, Anhui Province, Suzhou 234000, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze the research status of gynecological tumor nursing in recent 20 years in China, and provide references for related research in the future. Methods The words “gynecological tumor” “gynecological cancer” and “nursing” were used as search terms, and the retrieval time was from January 2000 to June 2019. Bibliometrics was used to analyze the annual publication volume, regional distribution, periodical distribution, author cooperation and high-frequency keyword co-word. Results After retrieval and screening, 1586 articles were included. The statistical results show that the total number of publications is on the rise. There are 21 core regional journals; the core author group has been formed, but the degree of cooperation and co-writing rate is not high. The regional distribution of literature is obviously different. The research topics are diversified. In the past 20 years, the research focuses include “chemotherapy” “nursing intervention” “quality of life” “high-quality nursing” and “psychological nursing”. Conclusion The research on gynecological tumor nursing in China has made some progress, but the literature quality is not high, and the research breadth and depth are not enough. Therefore, in the future development, we need to pay more attention and investment in this field, so as to better promote the continuous improvement of the quality of gynecological tumor nursing in China.
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