Analysis of HbA1c level and its related factors of patients with abnormal glucose metabolism |
HUANG Dan1 BAI Xueqin2 JIA Zhongping3 LI Yuhuan4 XU Junfeng5▲ |
1.Development Coordination Office, Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital, Beijing 102211, China;
2.Department of Traditional Medicine, Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital, Beijing 102211, China;
3.Department of Nursing, Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital, Beijing 102211, China;
4.Department of General Medicine, Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital, Beijing 102211, China;
5.Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital, Beijing 102211, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the relationship between glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and WHR, glucose, grease in patients with abnormal glucose metabolism. Methods From January to December 2014, 169 patients with abnormal glucose metabolism whose fasting blood glucose (FPG) ≥5.6 mmol/L or blood glucose≥7.8 mmol/L within 2 h after meal in the physical examination population in Physical Examination Department of Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital were selected, they were divided into normal group (HbA1c≤6.5%, 104 cases) and abnormal group (HbA1c>6.5%, 65 cases) according to the level of HbA1c. Pearson was used to analyze the correlation of HbA1c with age, BMI, WHR, LDL-C, HDL-C, TG, TC, SBP, DBP and FPG. Multivariate Logistic regression was applied for data analysis. Results Multivariate Logistic regression analysis revealed that WHR (OR = 1.150, 95%CI: 0.783-1.964, P < 0.05), FPG (OR = 1.742, 95%CI: 0.798-2.914, P < 0.05), LDL-C (OR = 1.935, 95%CI: 1.635-3.389, P < 0.05), HDL-C (OR = 0.715, 95%CI: 0.527-1.741, P < 0.05), and TC (OR = 1.552, 95%CI: 0.174-1.592, P < 0.05) were all the influence factors of abnormal HbA1c in patients with abnormal glucose metabolism. Pearson correlation analysis showed that, level of HbA1c was positively correlated with waist-hip ratio and FPG (r = 0.220, P < 0.05), while negatively correlated with LDL-C, HDL-C and TC (r = -0.175, -0.156, -0.184, all P < 0.05), but the correlation was not significant. Level of HbA1c was positively correlated with FPG (r = 0.809, P < 0.01). Conclusion The WHR, FPG, LDL-C, HDL-C, and TC can affect the level of HbA1c, early and effectively control of these factors is the key to the prevention and treatment of diabetes.
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