SWOT analysis of OSCE in clinical competence training of medical students |
WANG Kuanlei1 WU Xueliang2 LIU Zhankuang3 |
1.Party Committee Office, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Hebei Province, Zhangjikou 075000, China;
2.Vascular and Glandular Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Hebei Province, Zhangjikou 075000, China;
3.Department Geriatrics, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Hebei Province, Zhangjikou 075000, China |
Abstract As an evaluation tool of clinical competence, objective structured clinical examination OSCE has been more and more accepted by medical education institutions at home and abroad. The First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University ("our hospital" for short) is the Clinical College of Hebei North University, clinical practice teaching plays an important role. This paper first expounds the current situation of OSCE in the training of medical students′clinical ability in our hospital. Secondly, it points out the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of OSCE in the training of medical students′ clinical ability by using SWOT analysis method. Finally, combining with the SWOT analysis strategy, it puts forward that we should strengthen the construction of teaching staff, strengthen the construction of OSCE examination question bank and strengthen the construction of standardized patient team. To strengthen the training of students′clinical thinking ability, standardize the training and assessment of clinical skills, strengthen the training of medical students′ clinical ability, and strive to improve students′comprehensive quality and the quality of personnel training.
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