The practice of standardizing the management of standby drugs based on the hospital accreditation standards |
LAN Hong1 CHEN Hongmei2 |
1.Department of Pharmacy, Shiyan Taihe Hospital Affiliated Hospital of Hubei University of Medicine, Hubei Province, Shiyan 442000, China;
2.Center for Mental Health Services, Shiyan Taihe Hospital Affiliated Hospital of Hubei University of Medicine, Hubei Province, Shiyan 442000, China |
Abstract Objective To standardize the management of standby drugs based on the accreditation standards for class Ⅲ comprehensive hospital. Methods Three rounds of PDCA cycle management was applied to constantly improve drug classification, identification, storage, usage, record and claim of standby drugs among 83 departments of Shiyan Taihe Hospital under the instruction of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Board from March to December in 2015. Results The types, amounts and storage positions of the first-aid medicine were unified. The types was decreased by 54.63%; the storage was significantly reduced, among which the injection was reduced by 65.42%; and the inspection time of standby drugs by the medical staffs was reduced by 63.28%. During the third round of PDCA evaluation, the eligible rate of standby drugs was 100%, which was highly praised by the evaluation experts in the hospital accreditation. Conclusion It has been proved that by applying PDCA cycle management under the safety guidance of hospital accreditation can help to improve the management efficiency and guarantee the safety and speediness of standby drugs, reduce the management cost of hospital. Therefore, in clinical practice PDCA cycle management is highly recommended.
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