Research on physical health promotion of urban white-collar in Shanghai based on the view of constitution of traditional Chinese medicine |
XU Yangcai1 LI Jixia2 WU Zhikun1 GONG Bomin1 XU Huaping1 |
1.Physical Education Department, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China;
2.Physical Education Department, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China |
Abstract Objective To explore and analyze the influence of TCM type judgment and TCM preserve health according to different constitution on the physical health of urban white-collars from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine constitution. Methods By using the methods of literature review, questionnaire survey and expert consultation, a total of 294 investigators in Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park were randomly selected to investigate the physical health status from March to July 2016. Results Most of urban white-collars in Shanghai had biased physique of traditional Chinese medicine, and mostly belong to the virtual body, which were basically consistent with their health status of self-evaluation results. With the increase of age, the proportion of Shanghai urban white-collars in sub-health state and disease state also increased year by year. The main factors influencing the physical health were unhealthy lifestyles, such as lack of sports, poor diet and unhealthy sleeping habits, stressful working life and so on. There were significant differences in the distribution of physical constitution with different exercise habits of urban white-collars in Shanghai (χ2=29.46, P < 0.05). Conclusion According to the principle of preserve health according to different constitution, selecting reasonable, scientific sports and health preservation methods on the basis of individual constitution type can adjust the biased physique and achieve the state of yin and yang in equilibrium, physical and mental health.
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