Experience of treating chronic kidney diseases from the Shanghai style famous doctor TONG Shaobo |
WANG Jie CHEN Wenhao SUN Beibei JI Jing LI Yuting YU Hongji HE Liqun |
Department of Nephrology, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200021, China |
Abstract TONG Shaobo is a famous doctor of Chinese medicine and the successor of Ding′s internal medicine of Shanghai. In the long term clinical work, TONG Shaobo proposes to grasp the following key points in treating chronic kidney disease: Firstly, it is important to adjust the Yin and Yang, and give consideration of the lung, spleen and kidney. Secondly, the outside and the inside of body should be paid attention to, and adjust the tri-jiao. Thirdly, it is essential to strengthen the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors. TONG Shaobo believes that chronic kidney disease is the evidence of the deficiency, most of which are integrated false and solid, especially the deficiency of the spleen and kidney is the basis, leading to the damp wet, phlegm, blood stasis and other solid pathogenic factors. These factors will in turn lead to the dysfunction of the body, and which is difficult to be cured. Therefore, TONG Shaobo formulates a series of rules of treatment, taking into account the three organs-lung, spleen and kidney, paying attention to the harmonization of Yin and Yang. His treating rules not only helps the positive Qi, but also takes into account the existence of the pathogenic factors. He formula a series of therapies and rules in treatment, and uses multiple methods according to different syndrome differentiation.
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