Application of continuity nursing intervention based on Omaha system in patients with colorectal cancer |
YANG Jiayi QUAN Daxiang WANG Wanli ZOU Jian▲ |
Department of Anorectal, Chengdu Fifth People′s Hospital, Sichuan Province, Chengdu 611130, China |
Abstract Objective To evaluate the effects of continuity nursing intervention based on Omaha system in patients with colorectal cancer. Methods From January 2015 to June 2016, in Chengdu Fifth People′s Hospital, 62 patients with colorectal cancer underwent surgery were enrolled, and they were divided into observation group and control group by random number table method, with 31 cases in each group. The control group was given routine discharge instruction and follow-up, the observation group was given continuity nursing intervention based on Omaha system. The knowledge-behavior-status scores in two groups were compared. Results The knowledge-behavior-status scores of social and mental health, digestive, ectopic defecation, skin, infection, self-care and living condition 3, 6 months after the intervention in observation group were significantly higher than before discharge and control group, the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion The application of continuity nursing intervention based on Omaha system can significantly strengthen the rehabilitation prognosis of patients with colorectal cancer.
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