Effects of caffeic acid on radiotherapy-induced bone marrow suppression in patients with esophageal cancer |
DU Zunmin1 JIA Haipeng2 YANG Lili1 CHEN Honglei1 CHEN Fangguo1 |
1.Department of Hematology, NO.88 Hospital of PLA, Shandong Province, Taian 271000, China;
2.Department of Hematology, the Affiliated Hospital of Taishan Medical College, Shandong Province, Taian 271000, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the clinical effects of caffeic acid (CFA) on bone marrow suppression induced by radiotherapy in patients with esophageal cancer. Methods From June 2014 to October 2017, in NO.88 Hospital of PLA, 72 patients with esophageal cancer were selected, they were divided into CFA group and control group by random number table, with 36 cases in each group. Patients in CFA group were given oral CFA tablet 300 mg/time, 3 times/d, lasted until the end of radiotherapy, for 6 weeks; patients in control group were given radiotherapy only, once the bone marrow suppression occured, according to the degree of leucopenia or thrombocytopenia, the patients were given recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor and/or recombinant human interleukin-11 injection subcutaneously. The incidence rate of bone marrow suppression, number of white blood cells (WBC) , hemoglobin (Hb), platelet (PlT) were observed. Results The incidence rate of bone marrow suppression, incidence rate of Ⅲ and Ⅳ degree bone marrow suppression in the CFA group were significantly lower than the control group, the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The number of WBC and PlT in the CFA group 1-6 weeks after radiotherapy were significantly higher than the control group, the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The number of Hb in the CFA group 1-6 weeks after radiotherapy was significantly higher than the control group, the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion Caffeic acid can effectively prevent and treat bone marrow suppression induced by radiotherapy in patients with esophageal cancer.
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