The distribution and drug resistance of pathogenic bacteria of urinary tract infection in department of kidney disease of hospital of traditional Chinese medicine |
LIU Guangzhong1 NI Wei1 YANG Liu1 XIAO Mingzhong2 |
1.Department of Clinical Laboratory, Hubei Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hubei Province Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430074, China;
2.Department of Infectious Disease, Hubei Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hubei Province Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430074, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the differences between the pathogenic bacteria and drug resistance in patients with urinary tract infection from Department of Kidney Disease between Hubei Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other hospitals including western hospitals and hospitals of traditional Chinese medicine. To discuss the problems of Department of Kidney Disease in the prevention and control of hospital infection, put forward effective measures for reference. Methods The specimens of patients with urinary tract infection from Department of Kidney Disease in Hubei Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from June 2016 to June 2017 were isolated and cultured, bacterial identification and drug susceptibility analysis were performed, and personal data was collected. Results The detection rate of pathogenic bacteria was 48.67% in patients with urinary tract infection from Department of Kidney Disease in Hubei Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The detection rate was lower than other hospitals including western hospitals and hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. Gram-negative bacilli, gram-positive cocci and fungi accounted for 71.31%, 25.14% and 3.55% respectively, and it was most common in escherichia coli, coagulase negative staphylococcus aureus and white candidiosis. The antibiotic resistance rate of gram-negative bacilli was 62.70%-75.00%. However, the drug resistance rate was only 35.68%-56.25% for the high grade antibiotics such as cefepime, aminotram and imipenem. The drug resistance rate of gram positive cocci to penicillin was 100.00%. The sensitivity of quinolone antibiotics and vancomycin was 0.00%-63.64%. The resistance rate of fungi to commonly used antibiotics was 80.00%. The drug resistance rate of amphotericin B was only 20.00%. Conclusion Compared with other western hospitals and hospitals of traditional Chinese medicine, the detection rate of pathogen in patients with urinary tract infection in Department of Kidney disease of Hubei Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is low, most antibiotic resistance rate is better controlled, but the monitoring of multidrug resistant bacteria should be strengthened, the role of Chinese medical treatment in the prevention and control of hospital infection is emphasized.
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