Investigation and countermeasures of the present conditions of the quality of the hospital venous treatment in some districts and counties in Chongqing |
LI Yuanjing1 ZHENG Huiyuan2▲ XIONG Chengmin2 ZHAO Hong2 DING Yi3 FU Hong4 |
1.Department of Cardiology, Jiangjin Center Hospital of Chongqing, Chongqing 402260, China;
2.Nursing Department, Jiangjin Center Hospital of Chongqing, Chongqing 402260, China;
3.Surgery ICU, Jiangjin Center Hospital of Chongqing, Chongqing 402260, China;
4.Department of Pediatrics, Jiangjin Center Hospital of Chongqing, Chongqing 402260, China |
Abstract Objective To discuss the present situation of the quality of venous treatment in the county hospitals of Chongqing, in order to provide the basis for the clinical training and quality improvement. Methods On March 21, 2016, through a cross-sectional survey, the current level and problems of intravenous infusion treatment for all hospitalized patients in Jiangjin Central Hospital of Chongqing, Three Gorges Central Hospital, and Liangping County People′s Hospital were investigated. In this study, the investigation focuses on the selection of infusion tools, selection of infusion puncture site, maintenance of various catheters, fixation and complications of catheter. Results ①Among a total number of 3232 patients in hospital, 2680 patients have been treated with infusion, accounting for 82.9%, among which, 1954 patients were chosen and recorded in research database. ②The use of the puncture tool was as follows: scalp needles accounted for 46.0%, the retention needle accounted for 49.0%, CVC accounted for 3.7%, and PICC accounted for 1.3%. ③The selection of puncture sites was as follows: 61.0% were conducted on the back of hands, 24.0% were in the forearm, and 15.0% were in other parts. ④The choice of dressing and fixation: 98.9% were transparent dressings, 1.1% were gauze dressings. There were 384 cases of nonstandard fixation and maintenance of dressings, including 183 nonstandard cases, accounting for 47.6%; 81 improper cases, accounted for 21.1%; 72 cases of hematocele or leakage in the wound dressing, account ing for 18.8%; 48 cases of edge curl, which accounted for 12.5%. ⑤Catheter maintenance: hematocele in catheter or joint, accounted for 15.0%. ⑥Related complications of infusion: 126 cases on complications where red points were mostly occurred in puncture sites, accounted for 51.6%. Conclusion According to the investigation, the surveyed hospitals operate quite well in choosing puncture sites and fixation, but there exist many defects in the selection and maintenance of catheter infusion tools. Nursing staff should analyze the current situations and carry out the relevant training and guidance to further standardize the operation behaviors so as to ensure the safety of transfusion and to prevent the occurrence of transfusion complications.
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