Analysis of Amikacin in elderly inpatients in our hospital
WANG Wentao1 TU Chunlin2▲
1.Department of Respiratory Medicine, Weifang Medical University, Shandong Province, Weifang 261000, China;
2.Department of Respiratory Medicine, Jiading Central Hospital of Shanghai City, Shanghai 201800, China
Abstract:Objective To analyze the situations of Amikacin (AMK) applied in elderly inpatients in Jiading Central Hospital of Shanghai City ("our hospital" for short), to promote rational drug use in the clinic. Methods The clinical data of elderly inpatients who used AMK in our hospital from January 2015 to December 2016 was analyzed retrospectively, which contained diagnosis, microbial culture, renal function, AMK dosage regimen, curative effect and adverse reactions, etc, then statistic analysis was made. Results Four hundred and eighty-eight patients (288 male, 200 female) were enrolled in the analysis, aged from 65 to 92 years old, with an average of (70.00±8.40) years old. AMK was used most commonly in Department of Respiratory Medicine (43.65%). AMK was often used in combination with β-lactam antibiotics (61.68%) to against gram-negative bacterial infection (94.26%), and the total effective rate was 89.75%. The drug utilization index of AMK was 0.53, and the most commonly prescribed drug regimen was "0.4 g qd" (62.91%). The levels of serum creatinine of 7 patients after treatment were significantly higher than those before treatment, which may had potential renal toxicity. Conclusion The dosage of AMK in our hospital is relatively low. It is necessary to take blood drug concentration monitoring in the course of clinical treatment and make individualized drug regimen, so as to make sure that the treatment is safe and effective.
王文韬1 屠春林2▲. 我院老年住院患者阿米卡星用药分析[J]. 中国医药导报, 2018, 15(2): 123-126.
WANG Wentao1 TU Chunlin2▲. Analysis of Amikacin in elderly inpatients in our hospital. 中国医药导报, 2018, 15(2): 123-126.
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