Verification cases analysis of scleroderma treated by professer Xuan Guowei with treat from kidney and the theory sources
GUAN Yingyu1 LI Hongyi2 DU Zemin1 SU Xiang1 WU Meida1 LIAO Liehui2
1.The Second Clinical Medical College, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510405, China;
2.Department of Dermatology, Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510120, China
Abstract:This study reviews the statement between the kidney and “skin and hair” in the classics, combines with the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of scleroderma, reflects on the relationship between “kidney” of Traditional Chinese medicine and scleroderma, states the theory sources on the treatment of scleroderma from kidney, summarizes the experiences and clinical cases of professor Xuan Guowei who treats scleroderma with kidney-nourishing method based on kidney theory. The kidney contains the inborn-yin and inborn-yang, being the root of the yin and yang of the human body. The treatment of scleroderma based on kidney theory is the manifestation of the concept of “treating disease from the root”. Scleroderma is a stubborn skin disease. Grasping the core of the treatment, starting from the “kidney”, and applying the kidney-nourishing method properly, the severe and lingering illness will be cured. This study attempts to provide the idea for clinical treatment of scleroderma with kidney-nourishing method based on kidney theory.
官莹玉1 李红毅2 杜泽敏1 苏香1 吴美达1 廖列辉2. 禤国维教授从肾论治硬皮病理论溯源及验案探析[J]. 中国医药导报, 2020, 17(30): 169-172.
GUAN Yingyu1 LI Hongyi2 DU Zemin1 SU Xiang1 WU Meida1 LIAO Liehui2. Verification cases analysis of scleroderma treated by professer Xuan Guowei with treat from kidney and the theory sources
. 中国医药导报, 2020, 17(30): 169-172.