Abstract:Objective To observe the relationship between cortisol, electroencephalogram (EEG) and cognitive function in young patients with first-episode depression. Methods From January 2018 to June 2019, 46 patients with first-episode depression in the outpatient clinic of Ningbo Kangning Hospital (“our hospital” for short) were selected as the study subjects. According to the average cortisol level (557 nmol/L), they were divided into low cortisol group (18 cases, cortisol ≤557nmol/L) and high cortisol group (28 cases, cortisol >557 nmol/L). The general data, wechsler memory scale (WMS) score and EEG data of all patients were collected,and the difference at different cortisol levels were analyzed. The correlation between WMS score, abnormal EEG performance and cortisol levels were analyzed. Results There were no significant difference in general clinical data (age, sex, body fat ratio, education level) between low cortisol group and high cortisol group (P > 0.05). The average score and classification of WMS in the low cortisol group were higher than those in the high cortisol group, and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The incidence of abnormal EEG performance (θ wave, δ wave, frontotemporal spike wave, frontotemporal cusp wave, fast-slow combined wave, epileptiform discharge wave) in the low cortisol group was lower than that in the high cortisol group. Abnormalities in EEG were positively correlated with the cortisol level (r = 0.786, 0.627, 0.774, 0.784, 0.681, 0.735, P < 0.05). The WMS score was negatively correlated with the cortisol level (r = -0.816, P < 0.05). Conclusion There are changes in cognitive function in the first-onset young patients with depression. The main manifestations of EEG abnormalities are widespread slow wave, 14-20 HZ fast wave, and epileptiform discharge wave. Changes in cognitive function and the degree of EEG abnormalities are related to cortisol levels, which deserves clinical attention.
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