Abstract:Premature ovarian failure is a type of disease, in which, women with ovarian dysfunction before the age of 40 are characterized by amenorrhea and varying degrees of low estrogen symptoms, which seriously affect female reproductive and physical and mental health. Its causes are diverse, its pathogenesis is complex, and its treatment is tricky. It is one of the diseases that plague women of childbearing age. Chinese medicine believes that this disease is more related to liver and kidney, and the effect of traditional Chinese medicine treatment is significant. The author summarizes Professor Han′s clinical experience in treating premature ovarian failure of kidney deficiency and blood stasis. From the treatment of kidney, hemorrhage is the pathological product, and the principles of yishen filling, regulating and activating blood circulation are used as the treatment principle. The effect of empirical formula Bushen Huoxue Tiaochong Decoction is very good.
孙美娜 韩延华. 韩延华教授治疗肾虚血瘀型卵巢早衰经验总结[J]. 中国医药导报, 2020, 17(1): 142-145.
SUN Meina HAN Yanhua. Experience summary of Professor Han Yanhua in the treatment of premature ovarian failure with kidney deficiency and blood stasis. 中国医药导报, 2020, 17(1): 142-145.
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