Abstract:Problem-based learning (PBL) is a widely concerned medical education model in the world. However, there are many problems in the application of this model in China. This paper reviews the progress of PBL implementation at home and abroad in recent years, and summarizes the three core elements of PBL from the aspects of problems, teachers and groups. It can be used as reference for the PBL teachers, the change of students′ learning concept, the allocation of teaching resources and the establishment of evaluation system in medical education in China.
周波 袁海虹. PBL在医学教育中的应用进展及启示[J]. 中国医药导报, 2017, 14(34): 120-123.
ZHOU Bo YUAN Haihong. Application progress and enlightenment of PBL in medical education. 中国医药导报, 2017, 14(34): 120-123.
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