Comprehensive exploration of associations between environmental factors and congenital diseases by bibliometric analysis
GUO Yang1 JIA Xiaofeng2 MI Xin1
1.Shunyi Maternal and Children Health Care Hospital Shunyi Women and Children′s Hospital of Beijing Children′s Hopital, Beijing 101300, China;
2.Institute of Medical Information & Library, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100020, China
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the characteristics and popular themes in the field of environmental pollution and congenital diseases by bibliometric analysis. Methods The database including all 4687 articles in the field of environmental pollution and congenital diseases was constructed by searching PubMed/Medline using MeSH terms. The bibliographic information was analyzed to summarize the overall research characteristics. MeSH terms were sorted by their normalized frequency (NF) and classified into three categories (environmental factors, congenital outcomes and biological mechanisms) and analyzed by regressive analysis to investigate the popular themes and their tendency. Results All 4687 articles were retrieved in this field. The 65.8% of the articles were published in recent 20 years (1997-2016), and 72.2% of the studies were conducted on the population (3384 articles). The researchers from the USA conducted 23.9% of the studies (1119 articles), only 3.1% of the studies were conducted by researchers from China (144 articles). For the popular themes of the environmental factors in this field, the NFs of chemical water pollutants, tobacco smoke pollution, noise, endocrine disruptor was 5.62%, 3.38%, 2.88%, 1.33% respectively. For the congenital outcomes, the NFs of congenital abnormalities, fetal death, neoplasm, disorders of sex development and inborn genetic disease were 14.82%, 4.32%, 5.08%, 2.47% and 2.22%. For the related biological mechanisms, the NFs of chromosome aberration, mutation and maternal-fetal exchange were 7.95%, 3.92% and 4.14%. Conclusion The study presents a data-based overview of the issues in field of environmental factors & congenital diseases, and concludes the popular themes in the environmental factors, the congenital outcomes, and the mechanisms, which can provide reference for future research.
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