Research progress on risk factors and nursing prevention of acute mastitis during lactation
JIN Weina1 ZHAO Minhui2▲
1.Department of Breast Surgery, Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 201204, China;
2.Nursing Department, Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 201204, China
Abstract:Acute mastitis is a common complication among postpartum breastfeeding women. It can easily lead to early weaning and induce physical symptoms, including breast swelling, breast pain and even breast abscess. Acute mastitis can be trigged by a variety of risk factors, such as mothers, newborns and breastfeeding pattern etc. The occurrence of acute mastitis can be prevented by proper nursing methods, such as correct breastfeeding frequency and postures, effective breast milk empty, message, hot compress and psychological counseling. As a result, breastfeeding rate may be raised. Additionally, patient education has a little effect for acute mastitis prevention, it needs more high quality researches to support it.
金微娜1 赵敏慧2▲. 哺乳期急性乳腺炎的相关危险因素及护理预防研究进展[J]. 中国医药导报, 2019, 16(19): 66-69.
JIN Weina1 ZHAO Minhui2▲. Research progress on risk factors and nursing prevention of acute mastitis during lactation. 中国医药导报, 2019, 16(19): 66-69.
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