Expression and significance of mechanically sensitive ion channel protein Piezo1 in nucleus pulposus cells of the intervertebral disc
YIN Tao1 SHAO Jin2 ZHANG Yan2 YANG Tieyi2
1.Graduate School of Ningxia Medical University, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Yinchuan 750001, China;
2.Department of Orthopaedics, Gongli Hospital, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 200135, China
Abstract:Objective To study the expression of Piezo1, a mechanically sensitive ion channel protein in human intervertebral disc nucleus cells, and to explore its role in human intervertebral disc degeneration. Methods A total of 26 specimens (15 males and 11 females) of intervertebral disc tissue surgically removed due to lumbar degenerative diseases were collected in the Shanghai Pudong New Area Gongli Hospital From January 2017 to January 2018. There were 3 cases of Pfirrmann Ⅱ, 8 cases of Pfirrmann Ⅲ, and 15 cases of Pfirrmann Ⅳ. According to the degree of degeneration, Pfirrmann Ⅱ tissue specimens were used as the control group, and Pfirrmann Ⅲ and Ⅳ were used as the degeneration group. HE staining was used to observe the histological changes of intervertebral discs with different degrees of degeneration. Immunohistochemistry staining was used to detect the localization and expression level of mechanically sensitive ion channel protein Piezo1 in tissues with different degrees of degeneration. Results The results of HE staining showed that with the increase of intervertebral disc degeneration, the extracellular matrix content of nucleus pulposus decreased, and the number of nucleus pulposus cells decreased, showing different degrees of degeneration or necrosis. The results of immunohistochemistry showed that Piezo1 was expressed in the nucleus pulposus cells of both the control group and the degenerative group, and the expression was mainly in the nucleus and cytoplasm; the positive expression rates of the control group and the degenerative group were (45.43±13.14)% and (68.75±19.67)%, there was a difference in the positive expression rate between the two groups (P < 0.05). Conclusion Piezo1 expression was observed in nucleus pulposus cells of intervertebral disc with different degrees of degeneration, and the expression level of Piezo1 in the degenerative group was higher than that in the normal group, suggesting that Piezo1, a mechanically-sensitive ion channel protein, may be involved in the degenerative process of nucleus pulposus cells in intervertebral disc.
殷涛1 邵进2 张岩2 杨铁毅2. 机械敏感性离子通道蛋白Piezo1在椎间盘髓核细胞中的表达及意义[J]. 中国医药导报, 2019, 16(12): 77-80.
YIN Tao1 SHAO Jin2 ZHANG Yan2 YANG Tieyi2. Expression and significance of mechanically sensitive ion channel protein Piezo1 in nucleus pulposus cells of the intervertebral disc. 中国医药导报, 2019, 16(12): 77-80.
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