Abstract:With the rapid development of new media technology, the field of health communication has entered a state of barbarism. On the one hand, the development and research of health communication research is not systematic in China. On the other hand, it is a mismatch between public health literacy and health needs, which leads to the fact that health communication is often facing the dilemma of rumor rather than truth. To study the coping strategies of health communication network public opinion in the new media era, it is well-founded to clarify the concept of health communication, then analyze the characteristics of health communication in the new media era, and finally formulate corresponding strategies for Internet public opinion. The spread effect of health communication is reflected in public opinion. The characteristics of the new media age influence the public opinion. Based on the new media communication that exists in the establishment of "relationship", the main stream of communication is user generated content (UGC). The mode of communication is complex and changeable, which greatly expands the extension of communication. Therefore, in the face of Internet public opinion, strategy formulation should start from the characteristics of communication, attach importance to collection of public opinion, pay equal attention to prevention and control, improve the ability of new media′s public opinion guidance, and establish and improve relevant legal system.
李珈瑶 庄囡. 新媒体时代健康传播网络舆情应对策略分析[J]. 中国医药导报, 2019, 16(8): 185-封三.
LI Jiayao ZHANG Nan. Analysis on coping strategies of network public opinion in new media era. 中国医药导报, 2019, 16(8): 185-封三.
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