Abstract:Parkinson′s disease (PD) is a common degenerative disorder of the nervous system in middle-aged and old people. The clinical symptoms include motor and non motor. The misdiagnosis rate and missed diagnosis rate are high because the cause of the disease is not clear and the medical level is limited. At present, the treatment of the disease is limited to the control of symptoms, delay the condition, there is no radical cure, its late deformity rate is high, which seriously affects the quality of life in the late years of the patient. Transcranial ultrasound is a new method of imaging examination, which has been developed in recent years. It has the advantages of moderate price, safety and short operation time. It has attracted more and more researchers′ attention. It can clearly display the two-dimensional display images of the mesencephalon and subcortical structures of each plane, and provide an important imaging basis for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of PD. It can greatly reduce the misdiagnosis rate and missed diagnosis rate of PD patients, and do the early detection and early intervention as much as possible to reduce the impact of the disease on the patients. At present, transcranial ultrasound has become a widely used neuroimaging examination method.
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