Abstract:On October 25, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on the deployment and implementation of traditional Chinese medicine work in the new era: to inherit the essence, maintain integrity and innovation, and promote traditional Chinese medicine to the world. To promote the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine requires active and reasonable scientific communication. Based on the perspective of “inheritance and integrity”, this article made an in-depth discussion and explanation on how to take the path of scientific communication of traditional Chinese medicine culture in the new era. A rational analysis of the core connotation, historical changes and achievements of the scientific communication of traditional Chinese medicine culture in recent years were carried out, and the two major foundations of traditional Chinese medicine cultural communication, namely “inheritance” and “integrity” were put forward. From the perspectives of the equal development of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine and the overseas communication of traditional Chinese medicine culture, this paper discussed the development of the scientific communication of traditional Chinese medicine in the future. This not only had far-reaching significance for the interpretation of the connotation of traditional Chinese medicine science communication, but also had a certain role in promoting the implementation of the important instructions of General Secretary Jinping “Inherit the essence, uphold the innovation”.
常兴 姚舜宇 刘志明 刘如秀. 基于“传承与守正”视阈角度探析新时代中医药文化的科学传播之路[J]. 中国医药导报, 2021, 18(6): 185-189.
CHANG Xing YAO Shunyu LIU Zhiming LIU Ruxiu. Exploring the scientific communication path of traditional Chinese medicine culture in the new era from the perspective of “inheritance and integrity”. 中国医药导报, 2021, 18(6): 185-189.